Complaints Procedure
At the Exeter Orthodontic Practice, we take complaints very seriously and we try to ensure that all our patients are pleased with their experience of our service. When patients complain, they are dealt with courteously and promptly so that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible.
Our aim is to react to complaints in the way in which we would want our complaint about a service to be handled. We learn from every mistake that we make and we respond to customers’ concerns in a caring and sensitive way.
- The person responsible for dealing with any complaint about the service which we provide is Alister Green our Complaints Manager.
- If a patient complains on the telephone or at the reception desk, we will listen to their complaint. The member of staff will take brief details of the complaint and pass them on to either the clinician concerned in the patient’s treatment or the Complaints Manager.
- If a complaint is about any aspect of clinical care or associated charges it will normally be referred to the dentist involved, unless the patient does not want this to happen.
- Our complaints policy is available on request.
- If you are not satisfied with the result of our investigation and outcome, then a complaint may be referred as follows:
- Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman: Millbank Tower, Millbank, London SW1P 4QP. Telephone: 0345 015 4033 or
If you do not want to contact the practice directly, you can raise your concern as follows:
- NHS England: PO Box 16738 Redditch B97 9PT. Telephone 0300 311 2233 or by email to: Please mark your email ‘For the attention of the complaints team’
- The Dental Complaints Service: Stephenson House, 2 Cherry Orchard Road, Croydon CR0 6BA. Telephone 020 8253 0800