Smile Gallery
An example of simple early orthodontic treatment to push a tooth over the bite with a removable appliance
An example of early correction of cross bites using a fixed appliance.
Treatment Almost Finished
Closure of a midline space with fixed appliances
Extraction based treatment to tuck back protruding incisors.
Elastic bands are used to tuck back the protruding upper incisors
An example of a patient who needed treatment to expand the upper jaw
Treatment of a patient with dental crowding by extracting four first molars followed by fixed braces
Treatment of a patient with missing upper lateral incisors
After (Note: The patient has had some tooth whitening and white filling)
An example of treatment using functional appliances to tuck back protruding upper incisors
An example of treatment involving twin blocks, extractions and fixed appliances to tuck back protruding upper incisors
An adult patient who did not like her crowded incisor teeth
An example of fixed braces for a different adult patient
Ceramic upper brackets and metallic lower brackets
An example of dental crowding treated with fixed appliances without extractions
A patient requiring two upper extractions and fixed appliances
An example of a patient, who did not like her crowded teeth, treated in the Exeter Orthodontic Practice with extractions and fixed appliances.